California snow storm totals
California snow storm totals


By using low-cost measurement tools, stressing training and education, and utilizing an interactive Web-site, our aim is to provide the highest quality data for natural resource, education and research applications. Your observations continue to give scientists an ever clearer picture of where and how much precipitation falls throughout our communities.ĬoCoRaHS (pronounced KO-ko-rozz) is a grassroots volunteer network of backyard weather observers of all ages and backgrounds working together to measure and map precipitation (rain, hail and snow) in their local communities. It's easy to join, takes only five minutes a day and is a fun way to learn about this wonderful natural resource that falls from the sky. If you get the chance, please take a moment to tell a friend or neighbor about this exciting grassroots effort of citizens measuring precipitation right in their own backyards. How often have you seen it rain in your neighborhood and a few blocks away not a drop has fallen. The saying " Rain doesn’t fall the same on all" really proves to be true. Know someone in Guam who might like to participate in measuring precipitation? To sign up just go to join CoCoRaHS, then click on United States and pull up Guam from the state field when you register.


"If you have a regular car, have a full tank if you are driving in a storm or over a pass, but charge your damn electric car, because it will just stop, turn off, and there is nothing you can do.Reports received today as of 12:33 PM EDTĬoCoRaHS has recently expanded across the Pacific Ocean to the Island of Guam which is part of the Mariana Islands in the Western Pacific.

california snow storm totals


He offers a special warning for drivers of electric vehicles: charge up your car fully before you head into the mountains. "Tesla's are amazing because the way the motor works and it moves the power between the different wheels, but it doesn't matter if you've got a set of city tires on because they just spin." We were seeing Category 1, Category 2, winds over the ridge on Donner Pass. I was actually looking at the Kirkwood anemometer when it reached 115 miles an hour last night."Cooper also reminds drivers not to be overconfident in all-wheel-drive, and to avoid taking tires designed for city driving into the mountains regardless of traction control systems as they can harden and reduce traction. "On 50, 80, 88, 89 around Emerald Bay, the roads are probably more treacherous than I've seen in my in my 30 years here because of the consistency of the winds. Drive safely if you plan to head to the mountainsĬooper says he is warning everybody about the roads because high winds and light snow are causing continuous whiteout conditions: The state currently sits 5 inches above the average rainfall for this time of year, according to California Water Watch. In January, California broke rainfall records for any 22-day time frame between Oct. "The higher elevations of the Inyo and Sierra National Forests, patches within the Stanislaus and Yosemite Forests, along with isolated areas around Lake Tahoe have recorded over 50 feet of snow since the first of October," said Shawn Carter, a physical scientist at the National Water Center. 1, according to data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

california snow storm totals

Western states – especially California – led the country in snowfall since Oct. Ski resorts in the Tahoe region have unofficially received over 30 feet of snowfall including February totals.

california snow storm totals california snow storm totals

Just how much snow has fallen in California? "I try not to speak in absolutes, but it's looking pretty favorable that we could give both of those. The lab record for a water year is 53.58 feet set in 2011. “We're within 3½ feet from the 2017 water year total of 47.77 feet, which is our third largest snowfall year on record in the last three decades," Schwartz said. "We have had the snowiest October through February going back to 1970," said Andrew Schwartz, lead scientist and manager at the snow lab. That's more than double the median of 21.7 feet by this time of year. 30, more than 44 feet has fallen there at the Central Snow Laboratory, a University of California, Berkeley field research station. (Feb 23 - March 1) And more snow is expected this weekend.įive months into this water year, counted Oct. 1 through Sept. Almost 12 feet of snow has piled up at Donner Pass in California's Sierra Nevada mountains in the past seven days.

California snow storm totals